Sunday, 27 December 2020

Morning walk 27/12/20

 For a change I carried a camera with me this morning - Fuji XT20 with the 18-55 f2.8-4 lens

Nothing jumped at me so what follows are just some random shots along the way.  Click on any image for a larger version - all images are copyright.

Firstly, the new wastewater pumping station at Brompton.  I should have been photographing this from the beginning especially as the large concrete tank is being slowly lowered so that it will eventually be flush with the surrounding ground.  Already it must have dropped by about 3 meters with a bit over a metre to go.  Amazing engineering.  Picture taken with the lens poking through the gate - hence the restricted view.

The entrance to Belfast Lough from below Carnalea Golf Club with the container ship JSP Mistral at anchor awaiting clearance to enter Belfast Port.

Last week I photographed a small waterfall from the road in Crawfordsburn Country Park with my phone which was unable to cope with the dynamic range of the image with the result that the white water contained no detail.  This week I took it again (from a slightly different viewpoint) and the Fuji was able to capture the full range of tones from the deepest shadows to the brightest whites.  And it gave me control over the shutter speed and aperture!

Finally two images of Crawfordsburn Village and with the Crawfordburn Inn closed due to the lockdown it was unusual to see the Main Street almost completely free of parked cars.

Must carry the Fuji more often.

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