Sunday, 13 November 2011


Our hill-walking group celebrates 25 years this coming weekend and I have been tasked with providing photographs of team members over that period.  No problem, I thought, until I discovered that my Minolta scanner has given up.  What to do?   After a bit of research I decided on a new scanner and am now the owner of a Plustek 7600i. 

It didn't take long to master the basics (although there is much more to discover) after sorting out a few software issues (I really think they were user error!).  The scanner is fast (at least for the basic scans that I need for this event) and I am really surprised at how much better it scans compared to the old Minolta at its best. 

This opens up a whole new world -  my 35mm landscape pictures plus my pictures from 20 years of rally photography (1972 - 1992).  Sounds like a lot of work but I think some time spent scanning selected pictures will be worthwhile.

I won't include examples from the hill-walking because they are pictures of the team members but below are some monochrome scans from my days of rally photography (Nikon FM and FE - film used was Tri-X rated at ISO 800).

Circuit of Ireland 1984 Jimmy McRae

Circuit of Ireland 1984 Andrew Wood

Scottish Rally 1984 JImmy McRae

RAC Rally 1983 Stig Blomqvist

For more rally photographs see

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