Sunday, 21 October 2012

Overcast day in the Mourne Mountains

Weather forecasts don't always (indeed rarely) take account of altitude.  A promising forecast today turned out to be low cloud and visibility of about 100 metres.  Not really a day for photogaphs.  However, on our walk I was struck by the colours in clumps of grass in a boggy area - ranging from vivid green to magenta and couldn't resist photographing them. 

Later there was more vivid colour where a spring arose on the hillside providing moss with greens and yellows.

All pictures Canon G10

There is always something, even on a poor day, if you are prepared to open your eyes.

Friday, 12 October 2012

100,000 Milestone passed

The website has been up and running for 8 months and in the last couple of days it passed the 100,000 page views threshold (now standing at 104, 000).  95% of the views have been my pictures of rallysport.  I have been amazed by the interest and while I will be continuing to pursue my landscape ambition, at the same time I will be working on scanning more rally pictures. 

Below is a favourite from my last batch of scans - Flying Finn Markku Alen in a Fiat 131 Abarth on the 1978 Scottish Rally.

 You can see more at

Saturday, 6 October 2012

Wet summer continues

Hard to believe the last post was in June.  Less hard to believe is that the wet summer continued.  Did very little photography over the summer.  Started a project based around Ballymacormick Point and have collected a few acceptable pictures but it is a longer term project and I will hold back on the pictures until I have a much wider selection.

Spent the end of August and early September in Canada visiting a number of locations previously shot with film over 20 years ago.  Once again, the weather could have been kinder – everything from wall to wall blue sky and 31 degrees C through heavy rain to snow and temperature of 3 degrees C.  What is it about landscape photographers – we are never satisfied with the weather conditions!  Unfortunately too early for the autumn colour (it was a family wedding that dictated the timing of our visit). Some reasonable pictures but I would describe many of them as being of a pictorial nature rather than anything creative. You can see the set at